Raspberry Pi Reference

SSH and Internet at Stanford

Note: SSH only works when both the RPi and computer are on the “Stanford network” and in the same building.

  1. Connect your RPi to your computer over USB C (both sides) or ethernet cable.

  2. SSH into the RPi over the local network ssh pi@raspberrypi.local 1

  3. Find the MAC address ifconfig. The MAC address is the hexidemical number in the ether line of the wlan0 section. It looks like 6e:19:c0:ce:a5:22 or similar. [TODO: Insert screenshot].

  4. Go to iprequest.stanford.edu on your computer

  5. On the first page, choose Device Type: Other, Operating System: Linux, Hardware address: the MAC address you found

  6. On the second page, choose Other PC, delete what’s under Hardware Addresses Wireless and replace with Pi’s MAC address.

  7. Wait for email that says the device has been accepted.

  8. Reboot the Pi sudo reboot 0

  9. SSH over cable

  10. Connect to the “Stanford” network on the Pi by doing sudo raspi-config and following options for wifi.

  11. Test the connection by doing ping google.com and checking that bytes are received.

  12. SSH into the Pi from your computer via ssh pi@[rpi's IP address] such as ssh pi@


1 If you cannot SSH over cable, plug a monitor, keyboard, and mouse into the RPi. Then use sudo raspi-config to enable SSH. Then use ifconfig to find the ethernet IP address.